01228 522448

What We Do

Supported Living

A number of our service users live in their own homes, as joint tenants or home owners, yet require a comprehensive package of support and care.
The Trust works closely with these individuals and their families to ensure they are able to not only live as independently as possible, but to be an active part of the community.

Community Support

The Trust provides support to people living on their own, or with their families.
The type and frequency depends on individual requirements, and can include personal care.

Complex Services

Our High Intensity Complex Services are for individuals who have profound and severe needs and risks in relation to challenging behaviours. These often relate to their learning disability, autism spectrum disorder, personality disorder, self-injury and aggression. Support staff are well matched and skilled in how to support someone with complex support and social needs and have attained accredited training to enable them to work as part of a multi-agency workforce.

Mental Health

The Glenmore Trust empathetically and successfully support individuals who require support with their mental health. This help is provided in the community as part of a formal support arrangement.  We work alongside statutory organisations where they can make referrals to us. Additionally, self-referrals can be made by individuals and family members can also contact us directly. Spot purchase arrangements are another option for individuals if they wish.


The Respite Service is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide accommodation and support for up to three adults with a learning disability. The three bedroomed bungalow is accessible to someone with physical and mobility disabilities. Individuals can access the Respite Service following completion of a comprehensive assessment carried out by a Social Worker or Health co-ordinator. We also complete our own initial assessment document to ensure we can meet all your required needs within the service. We provide an Emergency Respite bed which is accessible via referral from a Social Worker in line with our Emergency protocol.

All Glenmore Trust support services provided in the community are regulated under the Domiciliary Care Agency with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Contact Us

Tel: 01228 522448


The Glenmore Trust
9 Northumberland Street

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