01228 522448
Mental Health Services
Since 2014 The Trust has been developing mental health services. We provide a successful and established support service to many clients within the local community. The individuals we support have a range of mental health conditions.
We have a specialised support team who have received extensive training with regards to mental health. The support team have been provided with necessary knowledge and skills to compliment the service by providing a realistic but empathetic approach.
We provide personalised support to each individual which is specific to each client and tailored around their individual needs. We work closely with other Mental Health Professionals and together create personalised plans. Our overall aim is to provide non-clinical high quality person centred support, which aids each client’s mental health rehabilitation and recovery.
Our referral system is robust and we have a SPA (single point of access) which has worked out extremely well. The documentation for referrals is available for key individuals within the organisation to record information and pass it onto the SPA. From that, an initial assessment is completed by either a Manager or Team Leader and there will be a joint discussion with Operations as to whether we accept the referral. We take into consideration the overall cost of the package being mindful of factors such as rural location, transport and human resources.
We continue to expand our services due to the success of the work we undertake with individuals and the impact this has on their lives. Our work is primarily task focussed, which in turn gives the individual a sense of self-worth and routine. We encourage and motivate individuals to enable them to make everyday decisions and choices to live a life of their choosing.
As the community mental health service we are ever keen to continue to learn, develop to expand the service we provide. Our vision within mental health service, is to increase and improve on the services available, expand knowledge and skill, help reduce stigma of mental health through empowering people to advocate for themselves and enjoy full citizenship.
"Big thank you for help the last few weeks, without Respite I don’t think I would have been able to cope, it was a lovely break for us both, he is always happy going to Ferndale and I know you spoil him rotten."
"A BIG thank you to everyone at Ferndale for making our son so welcomed and supported I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for taking such wonderful care of our son. Home away from home."
Gill and Mark